MCache 2.0
The Mohawk Software Shared Cache
By Mark L. Woodward
March 3, 2007
Copyright © Mohawk Software 2001, 2007
MCache can best be described as a user
customizable high performance object oriented data storage server. It
is based on MSession which in turn was based on an unnamed data
“mailbox” system written for a beowulf parallel processing
project. The primary goal of MCache is to store and retrieve
“objects” quickly. The latest version of MCache has a lot of
features that take it from its humble beginnings to a full fledged
enterprise ready system for web cluster synchronization.
Object Data Storage System
MCache is primarily designed to store and retrieve
data objects identified by a key. The key can be a user generated
string or a pseudo-random unique key generated by MCache. Each object
has a key, a class name, and data. Additionally objects may have any
number of “name/value” pair attributes assigned to them. The
object data is typically retrieved when an object is locked, the
name/value pairs can be retrieved or set at any time. The data is
stored back in the object when it is “unlocked.”
The MCache daemon provides cooperative object
level locking. This mechanism can be used to synchronize access to
objects across multiple processes and computers. In a web cluster
this is required to eliminate web pages based on “frames” from
corrupting session information.
Garbage collection
The MCache daemon also manages garbage collection.
In a web environment, more often than not, users leave without
formally logging off. It is often difficult to track which sessions
that are no longer in use. MCache intelligently tracks the last
"access" of session data. At regular intervals, the mcache
system scans the active session list for sessions which have not been
used within a configurable period of time. When this time has
expired, MCache can remove the sessions. If a persistent storage
plugin module is used, these removed session can be re-constituted.
Individual sessions can have their own time-out
values, independent of the system defaults, this includes, a “no
time-out” value, indicating that the session is not to be removed
(flushed) or destroyed.
Remote Execution
One of the more interesting features of MCache is
the ability to execute arbitrary plugin module code. A developer may
create new modules that can augment or even replace standard
functionality of MCache. Functions may be disabled by replacing them
with non-functional plugin stubs.
MCache, at it's core, is designed around
flexibility. It can be a stand-alone unit that doesn't permanently
store data or uses the file system to store session information.
Using standard plugins, MCache can store session information (both
simple and complex) in the file system or in a SQL database.
Quick Start
As a PHP Session Handler
At the simplest level, MCache can be used
completely transparently to a PHP application. By editing PHP's
“php.ini” file to use MCache as its default session handler (see
Appendix D), applications will simply use MCache without knowing.
This has an advantage in that MCache presents a standard interface
for PHP regardless of it storage configuration. It can even hide
which storage system or database is used and provides an amount of
connection pooling and SQL caching.
Using the Native API
In addition to the benefits described with using
MCache as a PHP session handler, when you use the native API, there
are even more advantages. There are three API functions that allow
numerical manipulation at the MCache level in order to manage
coherency on highly parallel web environment. This is extremely
useful for creating high speed counting mechanisms like polls.
MCache provides a complete C/C++ API mostly
analogous to the PHP API. Data stored in PHP can be accessed in C/C++
and vice versa. Internally, MCache stores data as ASCII stings, this
allows easy translation from various programming environments.
Other Programming Languages
The availability of both a C API and a C++ class
means that many other languages may access MCache.
MCache API
The mcache daemon can be accessed by a few
environments. Currently full access to the system is provided for in
PHP and C/C++. A more limited access is provided as an extension to
PostgreSQL. The API list that follows shows the PHP API first,
followed by the C/C++ function declaration. When the C API returns a
string or an array of strings, the return value is stable must be
freed by the mcache_free(..) function when it is no longer needed,
failure to do so will result in memory leaks.
mcache_add(session, name, value)
char *mcache_add(MSCONN conn, char *session,
char *name, char *value);
A collision-safe addition method. Used for adding
a value to a session's name/value at the mcache level in order to
eliminate contention.
mcache_call(fn_name, p1,p2,p3,p4)
int mcache_call_int(MSCONN conn, char
*fnname, int n, char **strings);
char *mcache_call_text(MSCONN conn, char
*fnname, int n, char **strings);
Calls a user function with a variable number of
parameters. The "fn_name" parameter is the name of a
function within a function plugin that was loaded at mcache start
time. In the C API, strings is an array of string pointers, the first
of which is the function name. The int version of the call returns
and integer, the text version of the call allocates and returns a
string representing the result.
MSCONN mcache_commit(iMSCONN conn, char
Commits a session to persistent storage system (if any).
Returns nothing.
mcache_connect(host, port)
MSCONN mcache_connect(char *host, int port);
Connects to an mcached host server. If mcache used as the PHP session
handler, this call should not be made.
Returns FALSE for failure.
int mcache_count(MSCONN conn);
Checks the number of active sessions.
Returns the count of sessions.
mcache_create(session, classname, data)
Boolean mcache_create_session(MSCONN conn,
char *session, char *classname, char *data);
Creates a cached session. If mcache is used as the PHP session
handler, this call should not be made.
Returns FALSE on failure.
mcache_ctl(session, function)
int mcache_ctl(MSCONN conn, char *session,
int type);
int mcache_ctl_type(char *str);
The mcache_ctl function is primarily to test if the session value
passed exists in the system. If it does, the web programmer has a
number of options on the type of data returned. By setting 'function'
to one of the following values, the operation of mcache_ctl can be
EXIST Returns the server based last access time of the session.
TTL "Time To Live," this is the number of seconds before
session is flushed, (if unused).
AGE Age of the session in seconds.
TLA "Time of last Access," number of seconds since last
CTIME The server creation time of the session
TOUCH Sets the last access time of the session to now, and returns
current server time.
NOW Returns current server time.
The C version of the API accepts an integer which is defined as the
above list, but with REQ_CTL_ preceding the function type, as
REQ_CTL_EXIST or REQ_CTL_TTL. The mcache_ctl_type(...) function
converts a string to a numeric type.
Returns various.
Boolean mcache_destroy(MSCONN conn, char
Destroys the session and frees all resources allocated by it. If a
persistent storage system is used, the entry for the session is
Returns nothing.
Boolean mcache_disconnect(MSCONN conn);
Disconnects from an mcached server. (This is called at PHP exit even
if you do not call this function.)
Returns nothing.
char *mcache_exec(char *szcommand)
Executes a command on the MCache server system.
(Disabled by default, use execplug).
Returns a string created from stdout of the
mcache_find(name, value)
char **mcache_find(MSCONN conn, char *name,
char *value);
Finds all the session that have an association between "name"
and value of "value." Simply finding a session does not
update its last "last use" time for garbage collection.
Returns an array of session strings.
mcache_get(session, name, default)
int mcache_get_int(MSCONN conn, char
*session, char *name, int default);
char *mcache_get_text(MSCONN conn, char
*session, char *name, char *default);
Gets the value associated with "session" and "name."
If no name/value pair is found in session, the default value is
returned. When a value is retrieved from a session, its "last
use" time is updated.
Returns value or default.
char **mcache_get_array(MSCONN conn, char
Gets all name/value pairs in a session. In C/C++ the array of strings
returned is organized as follows: string[0] is the name and string[1]
is the value, string[2] is the next name and string[3]is the next
value, and so on. When values are retrieved from a session, its "last
use" time is updated.
Returns an associative array of variables.
char *mcache_getdata(MSCONN conn, char
Sessions have a single data string associated with them. When session
data is retrieved from a session, its "last use" time is
updated. If the session does not exist, it is created. If there is a
plugin which handles “PLUGIN_SESSION_INIT” it will be called.
Returns the data string or NULL.
mcache_inc(session, name)
char *mcache_inc_text(MSCONN conn, char
*session, char *name);
int mcache_inc_int(MSCONN conn, char
*session, char *name);
A collision-safe method of implementing a counter. Similar to a SQL
Returns the current count. The "last use" time of the
session is updated when a variable is incremented.
char ** mcache_list(MSCONN conn);
Returns an array of all the sessions active on the system. Simply
listing sessions does not affect their "last use" time.
Returns an array or NULL for error.
char ** mcache_listclass(MSCONN conn, char
Returns an array of sessions for all sessions that of type
“classname.” Simply listing sessions does not affect their "last
use" time.
Returns an array or NULL for error or none found.
char ** mcache_listvar(MSCONN conn, char
Returns an associative array of value:session for all sessions that
have a setting of “name.” In C/C++ the array of strings returned
is organized as follows: string[0] is the first value name and
string[1] is the session name, string[2] is the next value and
string[3] is the next session name, and so on. Simply listing
sessions does not affect their "last use" time.
Returns an array or NULL for error or none found.
mcache_lock(session, key)
int mcache_lock(MSCONN conn, char *session,
int key, char **data);
Sets the lock flag on a session. A lock remains exclusive for an
mcached tunable amount of time (30 seconds default), after which time
another process can lock the session. Locks are cooperative, i.e.
there is no enforcement of locking. Locking a session affects its
"last use" time.
Returns session data string or NULL.
mcache_muldiv(session, name, mul, div)
char *mcache_muldiv(MSCONN conn, char
*session, char *name, char *mul, char *div);
A collision-safe method for manipulating numerical
data in MCache. Used for multiplaying and/or dividing a value at the
mcache level in order to eliminate contention.
mcache_plugin(session, nparam, sparam)
int mcache_plugin_int(MSCONN conn, char
*session, char *nparam, char *sparam, int param);
char *mcache_plugin_text(MSCONN conn, char
*session, char *nparam, char *sparam, int param);
Allows a PHP script to call into an mcache daemon plugin. Input and
output are all plugin dependent. The nparam value is intended to be a
numerical value to select a plug-in function, the sparam is intended
to be a string value for the plugin. All of these values, including
the session parameter, are used at the discretion of the plugin.
Returns the value returned by the plugin or FALSE for error.
Int mcache_randstr(MSCONN conn, int
Creates a pseudo-random alphanumeric string. Can be used for password
generation, encryption, session creation, etc. Since it is created in
the mcached server, it is more likely to be a more random than one
generated on the individual web server.
mcache_set(session, name, value)
int mcache_set(MSCONN conn, char *session,
char *name, char *value);
Inserts a name/value pair for the session. Setting a variable in a
session updates its "last use" time.
Returns TRUE on success.
mcache_set_array(session, array)
(PHP only)
Scans the array for all name/value pairs and inserts them in to the
session. Setting variables in a session updates its "last use"
Returns TRUE on success.
mcache_setdata(session, string)
int mcache_setdata(MSCONN conn, char
*session, char *string);
Sets the session data string. Setting data in a session updates its
"last use" time.
Returns TRUE for success and FALSE for failure.
Boolean mcache_timeout(MSCONN conn, char
*session, int timeout)
Sets the idle timeout characteristics of a session. If the timeout
value is greater than zero, timeout represents the number of seconds
a session must be idle before being flushed. If the timeout value is
zero, the default configuration of mcached is used (default). If the
timeout value is greater than or equal to 65,535 (0xFFFF, 18 days), a
session will never be flushed. If timeout is greater than zero, it
represents difference (in seconds) between a sessions "last use"
time and the current time for eligibility for garbage collection.
Returns TRUE for success and FALSE for failure.
mcache_uniq(char_count, classname, data)
char *mcache_uniq(int charcount, char
*classname, char *data)
Creates a guaranteed unique session. The char_count parameter is the
number of characters. WARNING!! Too few characters specified by
char_count, can make it impossible for this function to work. 16 or
more characters should be used. The returned string is a random
collection of alphanumeric characters ranging from 0 to 9 and A to Z.
Returns a string to the newly created session's name.
mcache_unlock(session, key, data)
int mcache_unlock(MSCONN conn, char *session,
int key, char *data, int cb);
Unlocks a locked session and sets the session data string. The
session's "last use" time is set on an unlock. If “commit”
is enabled, a session data and all its name/value pairs are written
to the persistent storage system.
Returns nothing
MCache Programs
A standard MCache solution has two programs:
mcached and madmin. (The tools directory in the source tree has a
number other utilities that are userful mostly for developers.)
mcache [-f mcache.cfg]
The mcache program is the MCache server daemon
program. It has few options as most configuration is done in the
mcache.cfg file.
mcache -f /opt/mohawk/conf/mcache.conf
madmin [options] operation parameter
The madmin program is designed to operate as the
main administrators access to MCache. The program sends
administration commands to the MCache daemon and can optionally start
and stop the system.
AUTOSAVE minutes
madmin autosave 5
Sets the autosave time limit.
CALL funct [paramters]
madmin call myfunction myparameters
Calls a user defined function in the mcache server
with optional parameters
madmin commit y
madmin commit n
Enables or disables commit on unlock in mcache
FLUSH [time]
madmin flush
Causes mcache to scan through the session table
for sessions which have not been used recently and flush them from
the system. An administrator can use this to more quickly remove
unused sessions when the system is under heavy load.
LOADDLL dllpath
madmin loaddll /opt/mohawk/libexec/fnplug.mcm
Loads a DLL or shared library into the mcache
madmin ping
Like standard “ping” but sends a MREQ_PING
packet to the mcache server and waits for a response. Checks if
mcache server is really working.
madmin setverbose 3
Sets the verbosity of mcache logging
madmin serialize
Initializes a “serialize” even in mcache that
writes all unsaved sessions to disk.
SHUTDOWN [seconds]
madmin shutdown
Shuts down the mcache server.
madmin start
Starts the MCache server with defaults using the
mcache.cfg file located in the default dirtectory “conf”
directory, typically “/opt/mohawk/conf/mcache.conf”
madmin stop
Stops the mcache server, a synonym to SHUTDOWN.
madmin status
Gets status information from server
MCache implements an amount of functionality in
the form of external “plugin” modules. Plugins make it easy to
change the operation of MCache depending on the needs of deployment.
Execute Plugin
Allows the execution of programs remotely. It is
not part of the default MCache setup for obvious security reasons. If
you use this plugin, you can use mcache_exec to run a program.
Filestore Plugin
The file store plugin is the standard persistent
storage plugin for MCache. It can commit sessions as directed and can
serialize (write to disk) uncommitted session periodically. It uses a
data storage directory configured in the mcache.cfg file.
Protection Plugin
The protection plugin stubs out the mcache_list,
mcache_listvar, and mcache_listclass functions to isolate session
location in an environment where multiple independent systems may
share a single MCache daemon, as in a mass hosting environment.
SQLCache Plugin
The SQL cache plugin is similar to the filestore
plugin in that it provides a persistent storage for MCache objects
except that it uses a SQL database instead of the file system. The
SQL Cache Plugin is under development and considered “alpha”
Use Cases
Standard RAM only MCache
This is the simplest implementation of an MCache
server. MCache is more or less a shared memory session cache.
This usage is intended for highly volatile
websites where the session information is used as nothing more than
transient state information for the site's users. If they go away,
and come back in an hour or so later, a new session will be created.
It is assumed that if the mcache daemon is started and stopped, all
active session data is lost.
Just start MCache with no options. It will answer
session queries without backup or persistence.
Very fast.
No data backup or persistence.
MCache with the Filestore plugin
This is the next basic step of MCache support.
MCache is used like a read/write cache in front of a persistent
storage mechanism. Using filestore, the mcache system maintains a
disk version of the session information.
Very fast.
MCache system can be started and stopped without
losing session information.
Requires session storage area, must be
periodically checked for very old sessions.
SQL Cache with serialization (alpha)
The SQL cache is similar to the file store except
that it uses a SQL database to store its data.
MCache system can be started and stopped without
losing session information.
More standardized data storage.
Higher Performance penalty than file store.
Persistant Storage with COMMIT
When file store or SQL cache is used and the
COMMIT feature is enabled, sessions are saved to the persistent
storage system at the time when mcache_unlock is executed.
Reduces risk of data loss.
Performance penalty.
Why MCache?
MCache is sort of unique in what it does. It was
developed for a specific class of problem that is ill served, a
shared cache system that isn't necessarily tied to specific data. To
understand what MCache does, you sort of need to understand the
construction of a high performance website.
Distribution of Work
A high performance web site attains its
performance by distributing the work of the site to a number of
computers. This is typically done with a load balancer system. The
job of the load balancer is to direct requests sent to a single site
to multiple web servers, for more information the Linux Virtual
Server (
has some good information.
Data Access vs Data Processing
One of the biggest traps that inexperienced and
not so inexperienced architects make is not understanding the cost of
data access. It doesn't matter how many web servers you have serving
content if the back-end systems are heavily loaded getting the same
data over and over again. Most web sites use a caching system like
web sessions to create an aggregate data block of the information
constructed at user login.
Appendix A
MCache Daemon Options
The mcache daemon is the core of the mcache
system. It is a stand-alone program which answers requests from
mcache clients. The MCache daemon is a configuration file to
determine the operating characteristics.
The mcache daemon can call the serialization
function on a periodic basis. This allows the daemon to maintain a
running backup of session information.
Background Execution
The mcache program will startup in the
background and return immediately.
Commit Sessiosn
When using a persistent storage system, the
mcache_unlock function will save the object's data and all its
name/value pairs to the storage system.
Data Directory
The data directory is where MCache storage
systems will store their data. Data will be owned by the owner of the
MCache process.
Dead Session Timeout
Dead sessions are those sessions that show no
activity for a prolonged period of time. This setting allows the
default behavior of mcache to be changed. The default is one hour,
after which the session and all its data will be deleted.
File Store Hash Size
The file based persistent storage plugin stores
session files in a directory tree in the MCache “Data Directory.”
To improve performance, it reduces the number of files in a single
directory by calculating a hash number based on the key or session
name, and creates the file in a particular sub-directory “bucket.”
This improves file access performance.
File Store Hash Sample Size
When the file store system calculates a hash value
for an object key, this configuration value limits how many
characters are used to calculate the hash. This reduces the amount of
processing required to calculate the hash.
Global Session
A special session, which will never expire, can be
created prior to any mcache requests. This is useful for storing
information shared between the clustered web servers.
HASH Table Size
Sessions are stored in a hash table. The size of
this table can be adjusted depending on the number of active sessions
expected. It is typically a good idea to choose a prime number about
twice the number of expected active sessions.
Host Bus Adapter Allow
This option allows you to specify multiple
netmast/network pairs that are allowed to access the mcache daemon.
If no HBAs are specified no validation is performed. If HBAs are
specified, only those specified will be granted access, all others
(including localhost)will be rejected. Multiple HBAs can be specified
in the configuration file.
From a security point of view, it is better to
have MCache behind a firewall than to rely on HBA entries. The
frewall works at the OS or hardware level where as the MCache HBA
filtering works at the application level. It is more efficient to
reject packets before they get to the application. HBA filtering is
provided for sites which do not have firewalls.
Interval for Garbage Collection
The mcache daemon will clean up all by itself.
This specifies how often it scans the active session list for
sessions that have not been used within the "Dead Session
Timeout" amount of time.
Listener Threads
The mcache daemon is a threaded server. This
parameter configures the number of threads initially started in the
thread pool. If MCache is being used without any plugin modules, this
should be about twich the number of CPUs on your system. If you are
using a persistent storage system, you may want to use a few more so
MCache can handle read and lock requests while other threads are
waiting for I/O.
Lock Timeout Value
The session-locking mechanism needs to be able to
recover if a process that has locked a session dies unexpectedly or
does not unlock a session. If a locked session is not unlocked within
this amount of time, it will be available for locking once again.
Rather than output error and warning messages to
the standard error output, redirect them to the logfile
The mcache daemon allows end users to add callable
functions to msesion. These functions are executed on the mcache
machine within the mcache process and behave like the other mcache
API functions. The are accessed with the mcache_call function.
The name:module syntax provides the ability to
have more than one plugin per module. The name portion is defined
within the plugin using the FN_ macros. The module must be a full
pathname to a shared library (or DLL under Windows). Under UNIX the
shared library name may be used if that module is in the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Under Windows, the DLL can be in the PATH.
Multiple plugins can be specified in the
configuration file.
Port for MCache Server
This specifies the port on which the server will
listen for requests. There should be no need to change this.
Queue Size for TCP/IP Sockets
On most server operating systems, the OS creates a
queue of client TCP/IP connections that have been accepted but which
have not yet been handled by the server program. This behavior varies
widely over many platforms. This parameter is used to tune this
behavior and is intended for experts only.
On systems with good scheduling response, the
default of 128 should be sufficient. If you get connection failures,
you may want to increase this value.
Windows users: On any windows system less than a
“server” version, the backlog queue is limited to 5. You must
Windows (NT,2K, XP) Server or Advanced Server.
SQL Cache Connect String
The SQLCACHE_CONNECT string is very database
specific and uses any number of the following items:
AUTH: This parameter is used by the ODBC SQL
object. It is the authorization password for the database
DB: This parameter is used by the SQL object
manager to decide which database technology to use. Currently this
DS: This parameter is the data source. In
ODBC terms this is a system DSN. In PostgreSQL terms this is the
PostgreSQL database. In SQLITE3, this is the database file.
HOST: This parameter is used by the
PostgreSQL object as the host name for the database system. If this
is omitted, localhost is assumed.
NAME: This is the user name of which is used
to connect to an ODBC database. This parameter combined with “AUTH:”
provides the connection credentials.
PORT: This is the port through which a
PostgreSQL connection is made.
SQL Driver
The SQL driver option loads a SQL driver for use
by the SQL Cache persistent storage system, it is identified by the
“DB:” parameter int the SQLCACHE_CONNECT string.
Supervisor Mode
Supervisor mode is a fault tolerant mode where
mcache splits in two. The first process does nothing but watch over
the second. The second process does the actual service. This feature
is a safety net. MCache should not crash, and if it does there is a
problem, but bugs do show up every once and a while. External
libraries may introduce problems that accumulate over time as well.
For these reasons, this feature allows your site to keep operating as
best as possible until the issues can be resolved.
Verbose execution of mcached is helpful when
tuning. Each "-v" on the command line increments a verbose
counter. The higher the verbose setting the more debug information is
displayed. The mcached program should not be run in verbose mode
because it affects performance.
Appendix B
Scalability and Performance
Scalable means that one can grow a system, but
what is scalable? There are two ways to think about the term
"scalable." (1) Can mcache be set up to work across a
cluster of computers? No, the daemon runs on one computer and it
provides coherent data for a cluster. (2) Can the mcache daemon take
advantage of an SMP computer system? Yes, the mcache daemon was
written, debugged, and tested on SMP machines. It should be capable
of scaling as high as you can go on a single SMP and threaded core
The mcache daemon keeps everything in RAM. As long
as you have enough memory installed in your system, the only
limitation is the network. If you have only one network card, it is
unlikely that you will ever need to get more than one fast processor
with lots of RAM.
Since the mcache daemon keeps all active data in
RAM, it is extremely fast. Should you be in a position where a single
mcache system does not seem to have enough bandwidth there are a
number of things you can try first:
Check the number of mcache threads. If you have
too few MCache threads, your web cluster will spend time waiting. If
you have too many threads, the system will spend more time scheduling
the many tasks. Threads can be “busy,” i.e. not answering
requests, specially if commit is enabled.
Use "top" or some other performance
tool, and look at the load average, system CPU utilization, and user
CPU utilization.
If the load average is high, but the system and
user CPU utilization is low, it means processes are probably
“blocked.” This could mean that you have a lot of network traffic
on your system. Check to make sure that all your systems are
functioning properly and that they are interconnected with a high
quality ethernet switch. Alternatively it could be a plugin blocking
on you, make sure that you double check your plugins for ones that
will wait.
If the load average is high, the system CPU
utilization is high, but the user CPU utilization is low, this may
indicate that the network card, or its driver, in the mcache server
system is not very efficient. Cards like NE2000 compatible NICs do
more work in the driver than do cards like the 3Com 3c905.
If there are no obvious problems, and your MCache
server is really at capacity, you will need to use a hybrid approach.
By using a two or more MCache servers and using the load balancer to
split your traffic among smaller clustered groups, you can provide
more capacity.
Appendix C
Reliability and Redundancy
Is mcache redundant? No. However, much of the
technology on which mcache is based is working on many systems with a
long-term 24x7 uptime. It has been checked extensively for memory
leaks, and single instances have been tested with over 1.5 billion
full session uses (tools/loadtest). The mcached daemon can be
configured to save and restore its state at startup and shutdown, as
well as periodically while running (the autosave and commit options).
The storage system may be on an NFS share or SQL database which can
be used by a “hot spare” MCache daemon in the event of falure.
Appendix D
Using MCache in PHP
The PHP mcache extension will also work with the
PHP session handler seamlessly. The mcache extension can be just
another "save handler" for PHP sessions, configurable
through php.ini.
; Use mcache as the save handler
session.save_handler = mcache
; Set the host which runs the mcache daemon
session.save_path = localhost
Unfortunately, the PHP session data is only
accessible as the raw string written by the PHP session extension,
the format of the string is not rigidly defined and is subject to
changes. This means that the extra functionality provided by the
mcache daemon is only available when using mcache data values. The
standard PHP session API and the mcache API are not mutually
exclusive, you can use standard PHP sessions and use the function
session_id() function to acquire the session name which can be used
with the mcache functions.
Also, Mohawk Software has the xmldbx extension for
PHP which reads and writes PHP session data in standardized format
XML stream.
Simply by creating a convention that all sessions
have a common name/value pair, with the name of "user" and
the value being set to he user's name, allows users with active
sessions to be found or listed easily.
64 Bit
We have a 64 bit development/evaluation system on order and it is coming soon. The plan is to evaluate the system and Linux distributions, then buy a number of systems for our internet data center. Since the site runs MCache, MCache *will* run on 64bit.
Don't use the msession extension provided by PHP, use the one available in the MCache distribution as the PHP version is no longer supported.
re: madmin compile error
You should add -DSBINDIR=somedir to the compile line, that should be there.
As for old version of MCache/MSession, I'm sure you can get it out of CVS, but the PHP extension has been dropped from the PHP project and I doubt it even compiles.
If it is any reassurance, the current beta (6 at the moment) ALWAYS runs this site. If this site doesn't run, it isn't good enough to be a beta.
not an error
Technically speaking that's a warning not an error. It's OK.
Binary Data
Some work has been made to store binary data in the sessions, but right now it assumes null terminated strings.
I haven't seen binary data come from PHP before because the serializer typically takes care of it before calling PS_WRITE_FUNC to save the session info. I wonder if this is new with 5.1?
Beta Software
For MCache there is a program that is not currently in this beta but which will be included next beta. The program is mfsvacuum which scans the file store directory structure and finds session files which will be deleted.
The big issue being struggled with, as we speak, is the difference between a session that has "gone away" and may come back, and a session that should be deleted.
The idea that we should actively delete sessions so as they will not be recreated is new as of your comment. Most all suggestions have requested more long-term storage.
A new configuration parameter has been added, "EXPIRE," will direct mfsvacuum to delete sessions that have exceeded the expiration time.
The next beta, due out before May (fingers crossed) will contain mfsvacuum which should take care of your issue.
I haven't even looked at 5.2 yet. I've been very busy getting 2.0 wrapped up.
I'll download it and see what's up.
Did you try loading MCache as a module?
64 Bit
We currently do not have any 64 bit machines in house. We are planning a migration later in the year, but we have not as of yet begun the process. Mohawk Software is currently focusing on its "for profit" development.
There are a few issues that are known in mcache and phoenix having to do with system integer type widths, size_t vs int sort of stuff, but AFAIK nothing major.
If Mohawk Software gets a contract that requires 64 bit hardware, then MCache's 64 bit development could start sooner rather than later as "phoenix" is typically used in many projects.
I know that's not the answer you wanted to hear, but there are financial realities that require prioritization, and 64 bit isn't there yet unless someone wishes to fund it.
A new file, INSTALL, was added.